“Bit by the Snake?”
Let The Texas Torch burn the venom out of them! Allsnake is generally one of the most difficult insurance carriers to work with. We have never said no to an Allsnake case, and we can battle against Allsnake on Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist trials. Below, you will find various articles, news media, and publications noting how serious Allsnake is about not paying your claims. In fact, they would rather drag their insured through the muck and mud of litigation in hopes of intimidating a settlement, when they should be more focused on releasing their insured of their wrongdoings.
We buy insurance to protect our risks, not to give up work, life, and the pursuit of happiness all because of a simple accident.

Attorney Husein Hadi
Premier Lawyers of America
Top 40 Under 40 2020

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The National Trial Lawyers:
Top 40 under 40 2021

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The National Trial Lawyers:
Top 25 Motor Vehicle Trial Lawyers Association 2021

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American Institute of Personal Injury Attorneys "10 Best Attorney Client Satisfaction: High Verdict and Settlement Winner"

Attorney Husein Hadi
American Institute of Personal Injury Attorneys "10 Best Attorney Client Satisfaction: High Verdict and Settlement Winner"

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"Top 100 Jury Verdicts Motor Vehicle Accidents Texas 2019"

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Top Verdict
"Top 100 Settlements All Practice Areas Texas 2019"

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"Client Champion Silver 2020"

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America's Top 100 High Stakes Litigators

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Attorney Husein Hadi
American Institute of Trial Lawyers
Litigator of the Year

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Super Lawyers By Thomson Reuters